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Have a broken machine tool? Are you looking for welding services to repair your tools? Do you need an entirely new machine tool? If you need machine shop services, you may find it difficult to choose the right kind of machine repair shop. However, at The Werks we make it easy for you. We offer a variety of services that will get you back up and running in no time. We use our own machine tools and cutting tools to create parts that you need or help repair your tools and machines. Whether you need cutting, drilling, shaping, or finishing work done, we’re the shop you should come to for a quality product.

A Brief History of Machine Tools

A variety of machine tools have existed for centuries. The first ones that were ever noted down in history were the bow lathe and bow drill. The lathe is thought to have its origins in Ancient Egypt. These tools date back to 1200 B.C.

However, it was during the Industrial Revolution that machine tools really began to take off, given the new demand. Lathes began to be powered by water wheels or steam engines. And James Watt’s request for perfectly bored cylinders created the boring mill, invented by John Wilkinson. At its start, the boring mill was water powered.

What are Machine Tools Used For?

Machine tools are used to shape and machine metal and other unyielding materials like hard plastics. They remove material from a piece that is being worked on, in order to increase its functionality. They can thread, bore, turn, and face whatever material is being worked on. Lathes, for example, can create anything from candlesticks and musical instruments to gun barrels.

What Machine Shop Services Do We Offer?

If you need repairs done to any parts of your metal working machinery, machine tools, or hydraulics, visit The Werks for machine shop services. They’ll make sure that expert repairs get done in a timely fashion. They also have welding capabilities that include mig welding, tig welding, arc welding, oxy welding, fuel and brazing, which lets them machine new parts for your tools and machines as well as repairing used or worn out parts. There’s a qualified team of machine service technicians and tradesmen with plenty of experience and the necessary skills to service and repair almost any type of metal working machinery, as well as provide new parts if necessary. Whether you need repair or provision of new shears, hand brakes, punch pressers, plate rollers, or other types of sheet metal and fabrication equipment, we’ve got you covered.

Let’s Talk About Machine Tool Maintenance

Machine tools by nature need to be hard and durable, but even the hardest and most durable machines are going to need to be maintained and repaired to keep working at their best capacity.

In terms of maintenance, machine tool parts that rub together often should be kept well lubricated in order to keep them from being damaged and needing repair. If you hear unusual noises while operating the tool, you should immediately take it to be looked at and possibly repaired. Using a tool that’s not functioning properly could be a huge safety hazard.

Make sure that a gear box spindle’s oil level are at a safe level and keep the machine tools you use dry and away from the elements. Make sure you’re also giving your tools a proper cleaning regularly to keep build up from damaging your tools.

If your tools should need repair, take them in for machine shop services, to make sure they’re repaired the right way. We can help with repair, replacement, and even welding services, should you need them. Let us help keep your tools in the right working order and keep you safe as you operate them.